Caramel In A Can

Boiled Sweetness!!!

Posted by Creativemind


My mother-in-law told me about this one and I just had to try it.
Turned out pretty good, and it's really rich, so I'm gonna add bananas to the pie I made if there's any left by the time i get them, to kinda even out the sweetness.

BTW, you don't have to use your caramel right away, you just put the can back in the cabinet to save for later use.


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Deep Sauce Pan
  • 1 Can Sweetened Condensed Milk
  • Stove
  • Ice Water

Steps (7 steps, 145 minutes)

  1. 1

    First you remove the wrapper from the can and start boiling your water before you put in the can.

    Sorry, no pic for this, like you guys would need one.

  2. 2

    Now you just boil on medium high for 2 hours, making sure the water stays above the top or right below the little lip of the lid.
    I had another pot of water that I had on, but not on high, just to have hot water when the water level got low. Of course I had to refill it sometimes to have it on hand when I needed to raise the water level.

  3. 3

    After the time is up and if you want to use your caramel right away, carefully pour out the water and remove the can, refill it with ice water and replace the can in the sauce pan or pot (I actually switched pots). Periodically shake and flip the can over, do this for 15 minutes, at least that's how long I left mine in.
    You can feel the top of the can for warmth, which will give you some idea how cool it is.

  4. 4

    And there you have your caramel!!

    I learned from my mother-in-law's mistake to cool it off first, because she used hers right away without cooling, her cool whip melted when she added it on top of the caramel.

  5. 5

    I actually used mine to make a caramel pie, using the same method with my kool-aid pie, just without the kool-aid.

    I added it to one small tub of cool whip.

  6. 6

    Mixed it.

  7. 7

    And poured it into a 9inch pie shell. I found that I only had to use one pie shell for the entire mixture and it has a fairly thin consistency, so it poured easily.

    Chill it for a couple of hours and it's ready for serving.