Captain America Pistachio Cake

for my very own superhero <3

Posted by angelichigo


I wanted to make my bf a Captain America birthday cake because he is somewhat of a superhero fan, so anything superhero will be ideal. Of all superheros, I wanted to find one that at least relates to him so I chose Captain America. It's not because he enjoys the movie or the character, it's solely because the character reminded me of him with the Letter A on the helmet (his name starts with an A).

For more details, please check out my blog :)


You Will Need (6 things)

  • 2 red and blue Fondant
  • 2 white and skin tone colour Marshmallow Fondant Made from marshmallows
  • 1 Fondant Tools
  • Pistachio cake Recipe
  • Pistachio flavour Frosting
  • Knife

Steps (8 steps, 3600 minutes)

  1. 1

    Sitr in walnuts or pistachio bits into the batter.

  2. 2

    Grease and lightly flour your baking pan, and pour batter in.

  3. 3

    Once it's fully baked. Let it cool and then slice the cake in half.

  4. 4

    Frost the inside and combine the top layer.

  5. 5

    Cut the shape of the cake based on the template.
    *I freeze my cake before I cut

  6. 6

    Roll out your white fondant big enough to cover the whole cake.

    *Make sure it is also thick enough so that the pistachio/walnuts in the frosting don't create bumps

  7. 7

    After you cover your cake, trim the excess fondant off.

  8. 8

    Then, add your fondant details.