Cut Out + Keep

Caprisun Fruit Punch Bag

Based on Caprisun Fruit Punch Bag by Colleen • Posted by Whit J.

I used my sewing machine to make this one. It's 12 capri sun's by 12 for the main (front & back) the sides are 2x3. And the bottom is 2x3. I used grommets to make holes for the handles and used rope for the handles. I also added a tassel made from the rope.

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1 h 00


Medium caprisunnn 1277951104


I used my sewing machine to make this one. It's 12 capri sun's by 12 for the main (front & back) the sides are 2x3. And the bottom is 2x3. I used grommets to make holes for the handles and used rope for the handles. I also added a tassel made from the rope.
