Canvas Stretching

Learn how-to stretch canvas with Wet Paint in St Paul, Minneapolis

Posted by Shop Showcase


Why Stretch?
Having a choice of many types and sizes of stretcher bars and canvas gives you the freedom and satisfaction of customizing your own supports for painting.


You Will Need (8 things)

  • Supplies:

  • Canvas
  • Staple Gun
  • Stretcher Bars
  • Canvas Pliers
  • Keys
  • Cross Braces
  • Hammer

Steps (4 steps, 20 minutes)

  1. 1

    After choosing a size, piece your stretcher bars together to form a frame

  2. 2

    Line up the grain of the canvas with the frame to ease stretching. Cut your canvas to give you an extra 3-6” margin to stretch.

  3. 3

    Pull canvas around and begin stapling each side from the middle, then tap staples with a hammer if needed.

  4. 4

    Next staple the opposite side and repeat the process working outward. Canvas pliers pull the canvas tight and free your other hand for stapling. Fold corners as you would a gift and staple.

    Other tips:
    -Braces can be attached before you stretch for added support.
    -Keys are placed in the corners of stretcher bars after stretching to tighten both the frame and the canvas.