Beaded Candy Cane Ornament
Made as gifts for the first Sunday in Advent for our congregation, these worked up very quickly and very easily.
Dragonsinger entered their project Candy Cane Ornament to Brini Maxwell 17 Dec 21:15
Dragonsinger posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Ruth R.
6 projects
I bought one of these at my local christmas fair (I went with my sister) It was blue and clear. But now I see how easy it is to make your own. I will SOOOO make one of these next year!

michelle G.
Antigonish, Nova Scotia, CA
1258 projects
oh my gosh, I made those when I was a kid. love it

Kalamazoo, Michigan, US
2 projects
Oh my goodnes...we used to make these in elementary school (I went to a parochial school). This brings back SO many memories.