Cut Out + Keep

Candy Box Mirror

Recycle the boxes of your lovers past! • Posted by Supernova's Child

I made this from a box of candy my ex gave me. I figured, why not make it into something to soothe my broken heart?

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Project Budget


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dscf1825


I made this from a box of candy my ex gave me. I figured, why not make it into something to soothe my broken heart?


  1. Small dscf1815

    Trace the shape of your box onto your fabric and cut it out. It's better for it to be too big than too small. After you do this, use mod podge to paint it into the cardboard heart box. Use the box's top.

  2. Small dscf1811

    Allow the mod podge to dry. After this, use the hot glue to attach the mirror wherever you want it to go in the box. I attached mine dead center.

  3. Small dscf1825

    Add whatever trim or other embellishments you desire. Viola! You're done.