Cut Out + Keep

Candle Wax Figurines

They come in all kinds of gorgeous colors. • Posted by Marieke

I had lots of almost burnt up candles. Thought this was a great way to be thrifty.

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Project Budget


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium kaarsvetfiguren 010 1259355625 Medium kaarsvetfiguren 013 1259356052 Medium kaarsvetfiguren 015 1259356422 Medium kaarsvetfiguren 014 1259356480 Medium kaarsvetfiguren 017 1259357027


I had lots of almost burnt up candles. Thought this was a great way to be thrifty.


  1. Small kaarsvetfiguren 005 1259355699

    Melt different colors of candle wax. You can do it au bain marie...

  2. Small kaarsvetfiguren 007 1259355891

    ... or by holding the wax in a alluminium waxine holder above a candle. It's quicker.

  3. Small kaarsvetfiguren 008 1259356224

    Put a piece of baking paper on a flat surface. Put cookie cutters on it and carefully pour the melted wax in the cutters. If you're using a large size, pour a little layer and add a second layer when the first one is dry.

  4. Small kaarsvetfiguren 012 1259356309

    Let the wax cool down and gently push it out of the cutter. Now all you need to do is think of something to do with them. I think I'll make a wreath.