Ever since I bought my DSLR earlier this year I've been meaning to make a new strap for it to replace the rather uninspiring one that came with the camera. Then it dawned on me... if I make a slipcover, I can make loads of different ones and change the look of my strap to fit my mood! In case you'd like to jazz up your camera strap too, here's how I did it:
[Please take no note of the unstyled hair, lack of make-up and the grainy "in the mirror" action shot - it was the only way I was gonna get a shot of this in action since it's attached to my camera and, umm... I kinda need my camera to take the pic!]
Kimya J. favorited Camera Strap Slipcover 27 Feb 01:48
You Will Need
Step 11
Wohoooo, it's done and you're ready to dress up your strap! Take one end of the strap and thread it through the middle opening towards one of the end openings. Pull through. Repeat for the other end.
Step 12
Admire your handiwork for a while, then go out and take lots of wonderful photos - knowing you'll have the funkiest camera strap in town!
though sewn by hand as i don't have a sewing machine
out by a couple of millimeters but it's un-noticeable
loving my new funky strap! thanks for the tutorial!