Cut Out + Keep


A few of the cakes that turned out good the past two years or so. • Posted by Sneeuwwitje

Some of the cakes I made the past few years. They are based on a sponge cake recipe from youtube and decorated with chocolate and marzipan. I think these were filled with whipped cream and probably some fruit. They are not extremely daring :p but I noticed that the simpler designs often turn out the best.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


3 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium img 3009 1302691097 Medium taart opa 71j  2  1302691116 Medium taart thalysia 16 j  4  1302691144


Some of the cakes I made the past few years. They are based on a sponge cake recipe from youtube and decorated with chocolate and marzipan. I think these were filled with whipped cream and probably some fruit. They are not extremely daring :p but I noticed that the simpler designs often turn out the best.
