Cut Out + Keep

Buttony Throw Pillow

Fun, simple throw pillows for the house! • Posted by Tabitha J.

I made these fun pillows for my little sister's Christmas present. I love them so much I think I might make some for myself now! :)

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium dscn0130 1292975526 Medium dscn0129 1292976739


I made these fun pillows for my little sister's Christmas present. I love them so much I think I might make some for myself now! :)


  1. Small dscn0124 1292975942

    Once the materials are gathered cut the base fabric (pink or blue in my case) to 14 inches by 20 inches in length. Cut the contrast fabric to 14 inches by 9 inches.

  2. Small dscn0125 1292976169

    Match the 14 inch sides together with the "right" sides facing in. Sew along this side to create a long piece of joined fabric.

  3. Small dscn0126 1292976344

    Next, place buttons on fabric and attach with needle and thread. I just sewed them as if they were buttons on my shirt. Nice and simple. :)

  4. Small dscn0127 1292976453

    Once the buttons are attached fold the fabric piece in half with the "wrong" sides facing out. Sew along the edges leaving a "stuffing" hole in the seam. Turn the pillow inside out and prepare for stuffing. I use a small dowel rod to point flat the corners. I also typically press the pillow before stuffing.

  5. Small dscn0128 1292976617

    Stuff stuff stuff til the pillow is fat and happy! Next, either hand stitch or return to the sewing machine and seal the "stuffing" hole. Fluff the pillows and cuddle! :)