• Posted by Mia
Buttonfairies are such a fun and easy project and a great way to use some of all those spare and single buttons many of us crafters have lying around. Buttonfairies can be anything from sweet and cute, too spooky or scary as hell. They can be used all year round, spooky witchy ones for halloween, pretty ones in greens and reds as christmas ornaments and cute pastel ones in spring and summer. This is my first tutorial and well english is not my first language, hope you guys are able to understand it non the less :)
Buttonfairies are such a fun and easy project and a great way to use some of all those spare and single buttons many of us crafters have lying around. Buttonfairies can be anything from sweet and cute, too spooky or scary as hell. They can be used all year round, spooky witchy ones for halloween, pretty ones in greens and reds as christmas ornaments and cute pastel ones in spring and summer. This is my first tutorial and well english is not my first language, hope you guys are able to understand it non the less :)
First you find yourself a nice picture to use as your fairy, maybe a postcard, magazine cut out, something printed out from the internet etc. Glue your picture of choice to a thin piece of cardboard, just to give it some sturdyness and then cut out your fairy. If your fairy is a black and white printout from the net, you might want to give her/him a splash of color with watercolor, gelpens, crayons etc. Maybe even some glitter.
Now find your fairy a couple of wings. draw them yourself, print them out or maybe draw wing shapes on a colorful magazine page. Glue the wings to a piece of cardboard and cut them out, just as you did with the fairy. Glue the wings to the back of your fairy in what ever position you find suiting. As an alternative you could also go for the wingless look.
Now drag out your button stash and decide wich buttons to use for your fairy tail. You are going to need around 6-7 buttons. Play around with it until you find a combination you like.
Now take the neddle and poke 2-4 holes (depending on how many holes your top button has)and pull the wire through both fairy and button, do that 2 times to make sure the button stays in place. Make sure that the wire comes out in the back of the fairy.
Take the next button and pull it onto the wire and then the next and the next etc. Make them sit quit close, you can always shape your tail later. Secure you last button by pulling the wire through the holes a couple of times. Cut of the exess wire and save it for antennas
Decide if you want to give your fairy antennas and how these should look. Should they be long and curly, with beads on the end etc. Decide where the antennas should be placed and poke a hole though your fairy with the neddle, pull a piece of the remaining wire through the holes and shape them as you want them. Secure the antenna wire on the back of your fairy by glueing it into place under a small piece of paper or cardboard.
Last but not least. Take a small piece of ribbon and glue it to the back of the fairy, not unlike how you did it with the antennas, under a small piece of cardboard or paper. Now hang up your fairy and enjoy!