~Button Earrings~

Creative Earings In 3 EASY Steps

Posted by NT<3


All right, so buttons are already cute. So why not add them to your outfit?! ;D


You Will Need (3 things)

  • Button(s)
  • 2 Earring Backs
  • Glue Gun

Steps (3 steps, 5 minutes)

  1. 1

    Those are some good looking buttons!!!(check your supplies) While you do that, plug in your glue gun.

  2. 2

    Okay, so I got my earring backs from Michaels and I decided to use studs for this project ;). What you want to do is glue the back of the earring with hot glue and put the flat part of the earring on top of the glue.

  3. 3

    Let the glue cool off, while you wait follow the same steps to create the other earing and WAALAA!!! YOU HAVE A VERY SEXY PAIR OF EARINGS, MADE BY YOU !