Button Badges

The perfect way to add some pa-zazz to an outfit!

Posted by Shivi


Simple yet gorgeous, I love xmas ones!


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Badge Backs
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Loop Back Button(s)

Steps (3 steps, 5 minutes)

  1. 1

    Try and use buttons that are in fancy little shapes and designs as it makes them look a lot more interesting. You must use buttons with loops in the back.

  2. 2

    Using a pair of sharp scissors snip off the loop. You might want to hold the button while you do it for a bit more stability.

  3. 3

    Glue a badge back on the back of the button in the centre or wherever spot that it will not show up on from the front.
    Use super glue if you can so there's no chance of the button coming loose.