Cut Out + Keep

Button Adorned Hair Flower Clips

Hair accessories and buttons, my two favorite things combined • Posted by Chantal M.

I may have seen these on here to spark an inspiration. I have tons of buttons or pins, whatever they're called. Most of em are stuck to a corkboard. I loves them bunches and wished to sport them around. I removed the pokey pin part on a couple of em and glued them to these excellent fake flowers I found at walmart. Then, I glued them to hair clippys from hobby lobby. tons of fun. :)

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 40


Nice & Simple
Medium p1160214 1294815093 Medium dscn0481 1294815165 Medium dscn0506 1294815198


I may have seen these on here to spark an inspiration. I have tons of buttons or pins, whatever they're called. Most of em are stuck to a corkboard. I loves them bunches and wished to sport them around. I removed the pokey pin part on a couple of em and glued them to these excellent fake flowers I found at walmart. Then, I glued them to hair clippys from hobby lobby. tons of fun. :)
