Cut Out + Keep

Butterfree Cosplay

I chose you(!).. to be my cosplay. • Posted by Joy K.

This is the Butterfree cosplay I made for A-Kon 23. I love how it came out, but in the end I only wore it for a few hours on Saturday. The top, skirt, and headband is handmade while the belt and leggings are bought. The other person in the first photo with me is my little sister. She's wearing my Team Rocket shirt 'trying to catch me'. <3 NOTE: I took an extreme guess at how long it took. I suck at keeping track of time with projects. In the end, though, I ended up spending $77 total for all the materials and leggings.

You will need

Project Budget
Getting Pricey


7 h 00


Medium 554267 454006117960550 100000534962890 1532520 1460150174 n Medium p1060672 Medium p1060675


This is the Butterfree cosplay I made for A-Kon 23. I love how it came out, but in the end I only wore it for a few hours on Saturday. The top, skirt, and headband is handmade while the belt and leggings are bought. The other person in the first photo with me is my little sister. She's wearing my Team Rocket shirt 'trying to catch me'. <3 NOTE: I took an extreme guess at how long it took. I suck at keeping track of time with projects. In the end, though, I ended up spending $77 total for all the materials and leggings.
