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Butterfly Wing Necklaces

=) • Posted by Ricki

The Butterfly pendants are made of porcelain. I glazed them using spectrum underglaze with a top coat of spectrum clear gloss glaze. It takes about a month to do 100 since you have to bisque, sand, glaze (this takes the longest), then fire again. I got tired of pressing the time increase button...

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


300 h 00


Pretty Tough
Medium butterfly wings 1276894520 Medium butterfly wings 1276894500


The Butterfly pendants are made of porcelain. I glazed them using spectrum underglaze with a top coat of spectrum clear gloss glaze. It takes about a month to do 100 since you have to bisque, sand, glaze (this takes the longest), then fire again. I got tired of pressing the time increase button...
