• Posted by Queen Bea
Overlap ends of marabou trim to form a ring about the same diameter as your felt circle and sew ends of marabou together. Thread conditioner is useful here as without it, the thread tends to stick in the marabou.
Sew your marabou ring onto the felt circle. Trim off excess felt around edges of circle if necessary. You may also want to use your needle to gently tease out any bits of marabou that have got trapped under the thread. Set aside. Form centrepiece by threading beads onto wire and forming into loops to make a flower shape - 5 or 6 is about the right number of loops. Twist round each other as you go to shape your flower. When you are happy with shape, bend edges of wire under and sew onto felt circle.
Sew large bead into centre of the flower.
Sew your finished rosette onto your chosen fitting - a plain hair clip, a brooch back, a hair comb, or a ribbon to wear as a choker.