• Posted by hannahable
Notes: I found this recipes a while back and I can't find it again to save my life. I have varied it from the original and have found all ingredients are suitable for my bunny and don't cause her any discomfort. I am aware grapes are not on many food lists for bunnies but Leah quite enjoys them and I am told they are fine. (Not sure if your rabbit will be the same so you may try apples or another fruit your bunny is familiar with. This treat is great in the summer but Leah likes them year round.
Notes: I found this recipes a while back and I can't find it again to save my life. I have varied it from the original and have found all ingredients are suitable for my bunny and don't cause her any discomfort. I am aware grapes are not on many food lists for bunnies but Leah quite enjoys them and I am told they are fine. (Not sure if your rabbit will be the same so you may try apples or another fruit your bunny is familiar with. This treat is great in the summer but Leah likes them year round.
If necessary chop all ingredients before placing them in the food processor.
place in food processor and pulse until desired consistency. This recipe can be as juicy,very blended or as chunky as you like but be sure that there is enough juice from the vegetables and fruit so the mixture will freeze.
If you are not using a food processor, chop ingredients very fine, add them all to a bowl and mash with a fork. Add water and blend with fork.
Freeze! I usually leave them for a hour or more. Depends on how firm you would like them.
Pour mixture in a clean ice cube tray. The mix should have enough juice so nothing is needed to keep the freez-ee from sticking.
Freez-ee may melt before your bunny has a chance to finish it all but they can still enjoy it.
Serve to your little friend as a treat! This recipe is sweet so they should be given sparingly. I would suggest no more than two a week. This recipe yielded four freez-ees.(Leah ate the other before I could take the picture.)