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Can be used to store away all your knitting accessories
Bright bubblegum pink and soft ice-blue are combined in this cute bag, which can be used to store away all your knitting accessories. The bag is long enough to accommodate most knitting needles, and the handy pockets on both front and back panels can be used for smaller bits and pieces such as yarn bobbins, sewing needles and stitch markers.

34cm × 16.5cm (13in × 61⁄2in)

Pair 3.00mm (US 2–3) needles
Pair 3.75mm (US 5) needles
One 3.75mm (US 5) circular needle, 40cm (16in) long
Rowan Handknit Cotton
50g (13⁄4oz) per ball
(A) 313 Slick 2
(B) 327 Aqua 2
(C) 310 Shell 2
(D) 332 Rose 1
Beads: 162 × 5mm (3⁄16in) turquoise beads
2 Pink plastic buttons
Pink ribbon: 50cm (20in)

22 sts and 30 rows to 10cm (4in) measured over stocking (stockinette) stitch using 3.75mm (US 5) needles.

From the book, 25 Beaded Knits by Debbie Abrahams. Published by Collins & Brown. Read our review.

Posted by Debbie Abrahams Published See Debbie Abrahams's 5 projects » © 2025 Debbie Abrahams / Pavilion · Reproduced with permission.
  • Step 1

    Base Panel
    Using yarn A and 3.00mm (US 2–3) needles, cast on 75 sts.
    Row 1 (RS): K1, (p1, k1) to end of row.
    Row 2 (WS): K1, (p1, k1) to end of row.
    Rep the last 2 rows 13 times more, ending with a WS row.
    Cast (bind) off sts knitwise.
    Pocket lining 1 (for front panel)
    Do not break off yarns at the end of rows. Carry them up the side of the work.
    Using yarn C and 3.75mm (US 5) circular needle, cast on 25 sts.
    Beg with a RS row, work in stripe patt rep as folls:
    *Row 1 (RS): Using yarn C, knit.
    Row 2 (WS): Using yarn C, purl.
    Row 3 (RS): Using yarn C, knit.
    Row 4 (WS): Using yarn D, purl.
    Row 5 (RS): Using yarn D, knit.
    Row 6 (WS): Using yarn D, purl.
    Push the sts to the other end of the circular needle so that the WS of the work is facing you again.
    Row 7 (WS): Using yarn C, purl.
    Row 8 (RS): Using yarn C, knit.
    Row 9 (WS): Using yarn C, purl.
    Row 10 (RS): Using yarn D, knit.
    Row 11 (WS): Using yarn D, purl.
    Row 12 (RS): Using yarn D, knit.
    Push the sts to the other end of the circular needle so that the RS of the work is facing you again.*
    Rep from * to * twice more, but after the last row do not push the sts to the other end of the needle.
    Break off both yarns and leave sts on a holder.
    Pocket lining 2 (for back panel)
    Rep instructions for pocket lining 1 but use yarn B in place of yarn C.

  • How to stitch a knit or crochet bag. Bubbly Knitting Bag - Step 2
    Step 2

    Front panel
    Note: Yarn B will need to be divided into separate balls to knit the panel. Thread several beads onto each ball of yarn B.
    With RS facing and using 3.00mm (US 2–3) needles, pick up and knit 75 sts along cast-on edge of base panel as foll:
    15B, 11A, 18B, 11C, 12B,
    5D, 3B.
    Change to 3.75mm (US 5) needles.
    Next row (WS) (increase): Inc 1 purlwise into first st using yarn B, p1B, p7D, p10B, p13C, p17B, p11A, p13B, inc once purlwise into next st using yarn B, p1. (77 sts)
    Beg with a RS row, work chart rows 1–32, ending with a WS row.
    pocket top
    Cont to work chart rows 33–36, working the centre 25 sts in moss (seed) stitch as indicated on the chart for pocket top.
    Chart row 37 (RS) (buttonhole): K13B, k5C, k8B, (p1B, k1B)
    5 times, p1B, cast (bind) off next
    3 sts, (p1B, k1B) 5 times which includes the st already on RH needle, p1B, k22B, k4C.
    Chart row 38 (WS): P3C, p4B, pb, p19B, (k1B, p1B) 5 times, turn work, cast on 3 sts, turn work again, (p1B, k1B) 5 times, p27B.
    Cont to work chart rows 39–40, ending with a WS row.
    join pocket lining:
    Use yarn B only.
    Next row (RS): K3, pb, k22, bind (cast) off next 25 sts purlwise, sl the st on the RH needle onto the LH needle, then with RS facing, sl the sts for the pocket lining onto the RH needle, sl the first st on the LH needle back onto the RH needle then knit across the rem sts on the LH needle.
    Next row (WS): P4, pb, p12, pb, p8, purl across 25 sts of pocket lining, p8, pb, p17.
    Work 2 rows in stocking (stockinette) stitch (knit on RS rows; purl on WS rows).
    Top Edging
    Use 3.00mm (US 2–3) needles.
    Thread 37 beads on yarn C.
    Knit 2 rows using yarn A.
    Knit 2 rows using yarn D.
    Knit 3 rows using yarn C.
    Purl 1 row using yarn C.
    Next row (RS): Using yarn C, k2, (pb, k1) 36 times, pb, k2.
    Next row (WS): Using yarn C, knit.
    Knit 2 rows using yarn D.
    Knit 1 row using yarn A.
    With WS facing and using yarn A, cast (bind) off sts knitwise.

  • How to stitch a knit or crochet bag. Bubbly Knitting Bag - Step 3
    Step 3

    Back panel
    Rep instructions for front panel but change colours throughout as foll:
    Use B in place of C.
    Use C in place of B.
    All other colours remain the same.

  • Step 4

    Side gusset 1
    *With RS facing and using yarn A and 3.00mm (US 2–3) needles, pick up and knit 14 sts along one short end of base panel.
    Next row (WS) (increase): Inc 1 knitwise into first st, p5, k2, p5, inc once knitwise into last st. (16 sts)
    Change to 3.75mm (US 5) needles.
    Next row (RS) (increase): P2, (k1, inc 1 knitwise into each of next
    3 sts, k1, p2) twice. (22 sts)
    Next row (WS): K2, (p8, k2) twice.
    cable patt rep:
    Row 1 (RS): P2, (k8, p2) twice.
    Row 2 (WS): K2, (p8, k2) twice.
    Rows 3–4: Rep Rows 1–2.
    Row 5 (RS): P2, (c8f, p2) twice.
    Row 6 (WS): As Row 2.
    Rows 7–16: Rep Rows 1–2, 5 times.
    Rows 17–40: Rep Rows 5–16 twice.
    Change to 3.00mm (US 2–3) needles.
    Rows 41–51: Rep Rows 5–15 once.
    Row 52 (WS) (decrease): K2tog, (p2tog) 4 times, k2tog, (p2tog) 4 times, k2tog. (11 sts)
    Put a marker at the beg and end of Row 52.
    Row 53 (RS): P1, sl next 5 sts on cable needle and hold at front of work, k4 from LH needle, sl 1 st back onto LH needle and purl it, k4 from cable needle, p1.
    Row 54 (WS): K1, (P4, K1) twice.
    Strap (using yarn A only)
    Cable patt rep:
    Row 1 (RS): P1, (k4, p1) twice.
    Row 2 (WS): K1, (p4, k1) twice.
    Rows 3–8: Rep Rows 1–2, 3 times.
    Row 9 (RS): P1, sl next 5 sts on cable needle and hold at front of work, k4 sts from LH needle, sl 1 st back onto LH needle and knit it, k4 sts from cable needle, p1.
    Row 10 (WS): K1, (p4, k1) twice.
    Rows 11–12: Rep Rows 1–2.
    Rep Rows 1–12 until strap is half required length, ending after Row 12 of the cable pattern.*
    Break yarn and leave sts on a holder.

  • How to stitch a knit or crochet bag. Bubbly Knitting Bag - Step 5
    Step 5

    Side gusset 2
    Rep instructions for side gusset 1 and strap from * to *.
    With RS facing (and making sure that the strap is not twisted), join both ends of the strap by casting (binding) off both sets of sts together.
    Lining is optional. But if you want to line the bag it is advisable to cut the lining fabric before sewing the bag together: lay bag on lining fabric and cut out one piece the same size as sides, gusset and base shape, adding seam allowances where gussets will meet sides. Sew the side seams of the lining together. Put to one side.
    Sew in any loose ends on the WS of the work.
    With WS facing and using a pressing cloth, lightly press the panels.
    Sew pocket linings into place.
    Join side gussets to side edges of back and front panels, matching Row 52 (decrease row) of the side gussets to the top edge of the bag.
    Sew buttons to pocket linings on back and front panels, to correspond with buttonholes.
    Cut the ribbon into two equal pieces. Sew one to the inside of the bag at top edge of front panel, ensuring that it is in the centre.
    Rep for back panel.
    Slip the lining into the bag. Turn in the hem along the top edge and stitch to the bag.

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EVEnl · Leidschenveen, Zuid-Holland, NL · 319 projects
Love it!
rachel. · U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US · 9 projects
Sooo cute--but I can't knit. But still, soooo cute!!

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