Cut Out + Keep

Broken Cd Mobile

Very cool. • Posted by Jessica M.

Sorry if the splatter painted walls of my room distract you from the project! :) When I first started this project I tried to break the cds with a hammer, but that didn't work so I had to cut them. I didn't know at the time that cds didn't break into pieces. I would wear gloves when cutting, if I were you because I got a callous from cutting them. You have to be very patient if you cut them all different sizes. You have to keep checking to see if the mobile is balanced. That's one thing I wish I'd done differently. I think I'll make another one that has the same sized pieces so it isn't as difficult. :)

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


3 h 00


Medium 018 1280426459 Medium 019 1280426550 Medium 012 1280426611


Sorry if the splatter painted walls of my room distract you from the project! :) When I first started this project I tried to break the cds with a hammer, but that didn't work so I had to cut them. I didn't know at the time that cds didn't break into pieces. I would wear gloves when cutting, if I were you because I got a callous from cutting them. You have to be very patient if you cut them all different sizes. You have to keep checking to see if the mobile is balanced. That's one thing I wish I'd done differently. I think I'll make another one that has the same sized pieces so it isn't as difficult. :)
