Braided Flip Flops

Braid your way to a chic summer wardrobe!

Posted by Knits & Brew


These braided beauties can be rustled up in under a few hours - they're uber-comfy and the stretchy jersey yarn will keep them securely on your feet - no flip flop trips or falls for you!

Try co-ordinating with your beachware for a chic summer look, or customise them to your favourite colour palette...wear them with jeans, skirts, dresses, whatever! What are you waiting for? Get making!


You Will Need (7 things)

  • Flip Flops
  • Jersey Yarn
  • Cotton Thread
  • Scissors
  • Tape Measure
  • Sticky Tape
  • Glue Gun

Steps (24 steps, 180 minutes)

  1. 1

    Gather your awesome materials!

  2. 2

    Cut off the straps then chuck em away!

  3. 3

    Measure out 5x lengths of jersey yarn (about 60 inches to be on the safe side)

  4. 4

    Tie them tightly together with some cotton thread.

  5. 5

    Split the threads like so: three on the left, two on the right. Now pick up the furthermost left- hand piece of yarn…

  6. 6

    …and bring it over in between the other two.

  7. 7

    Now grab the middle thread and cross it over to the left (over the one you just moved)…

  8. 8

    …like this!

  9. 9

    Pick up your new middle thread and move it to join the other two on the right…

  10. 10

    …and repeat the process but mirrored – so pick up the furthermost right-hand thread, and cross it over the one immediately next to it…

  11. 11

    …like this!

  12. 12

    Pick up the middle thread and cross it over the one to the right…

  13. 13

    …like this. Now move your middle thread back to the left, and repeat. Don’t forget to tighten your plait as you go…

  14. 14

    ..and you might want to stick it to a table too! (this helps you work quicker and is handy for keeping good tension all the way through).

  15. 15

    Keep going until you reach the end. Tie off with cotton thread, then divide into two (tying the new ends off tightly)…

  16. 16

    …so they look like this!

  17. 17

    Pop each end of one length through the toe hole to the underside of the sole…

  18. 18

    …and tie in a big tight knot.

  19. 19

    Chop off the ends...

  20. 20

    …secure with using a glue gun, and squash down into the hole. Repeat with the second flip flop.

  21. 21

    Cut some lengths of yarn to go at the sides (pop your feet in so you can check how long they should be)

  22. 22

    Tie them off, snip and secure with glue.

  23. 23

    Ta dah! :) All done!

  24. 24

    Now grab a drink and congratulate yourself for being so darn clever! To the beach!