Cut Out + Keep

Bracelet Holder

Bracelet Holder made out of things you probably already have at home • Posted by Amber Rose

Sorry there are no good pictures. I will add as soon as I can :)

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


30 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium bracelet with Medium bracelet Medium bracelet with Medium bracelet


Sorry there are no good pictures. I will add as soon as I can :)


  1. Small 1.

    Cut a hole in the center of the cardboard tube to fit the long part of the cd holder. Decorate your cardboard tube however you wish. Hot glue around the hole and the top of the long part of the cd holder. Make sure it is very secure.

  2. Small bracelet

    I really wanted to spray paint the tub and cd holder silver and then cover it in glitter. But I didn't have glitter or silver spray paint. So I covered the tube with a satin material. Wrapped gold string around it and then embellished with little diamond like things which i pulled off and old headband.

  3. Small bracelet with

    And you are done.