Cut Out + Keep


Cute bracelet • Posted by Therapydidntwork

Sorry for the lack of snap in my tagline and my title I'm feeling a little blank. I saw an adorable bracelet in a little stamp shop called Stamp Asylum in Plano TX, this is my own interpretaion of that bracelet, the concept is the same, the rounds with the picture in the center, however I put mine together with ribbon because I lack all the findings for a proper bracelet. The end result is still crazy cute though and I hope you like it!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 0331002115 1270089876


Sorry for the lack of snap in my tagline and my title I'm feeling a little blank. I saw an adorable bracelet in a little stamp shop called Stamp Asylum in Plano TX, this is my own interpretaion of that bracelet, the concept is the same, the rounds with the picture in the center, however I put mine together with ribbon because I lack all the findings for a proper bracelet. The end result is still crazy cute though and I hope you like it!
