Cut Out + Keep


Bracelet • Posted by Julia E.

Rebelliously romantic bracelet.

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Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 2014 03 05 191401 bracelet 20008 Medium 2014 03 05 191412 bracelet 20010


Rebelliously romantic bracelet.


  1. Small 2014 03 05 191527 bracelet 20002

    Cut a stripe of leather or leatherette (or something similar ;)), which has the length of circumference of the hand. Then cut the stripe of the fabric of the same length and double width.

  2. Small 2014 03 05 192033 bracelet 20006

    As tor the next steps. Firstly, fold twice both (longer :)) sides of the fabric to create nice smooth edge. Then fold the fabric over the part of the leather stripe and pin it (be really careful, because the holes will be visible ->pin it only on fabric ;))

  3. When you have both sides pinned add a loop(made of ribbon or something like so ;)) on one (shorter) side (this will be a buttonhole so make sure your button goes through without problems) Sew along the edges (using a sewing machine or just a needle and a thread) and make sure that you have sewn though the 2 layers of fabric as well as though a leather stripe.

  4. Small 2014 03 05 193145 bracelet 20010

    Finally add a button on the second end (not where the loop is :D) /Obligatory: sew a flower just "above" the button loop to make it look nicer :))/ And that is it :)!