THANK YOU!!! I sooooo needed it because those BioFit Vicky's bra straps are not made for vertically challenged people and I almost bought that thing. Now I don't have to waste $20 on something I can make! :]
Oh my god amazing, thank you so much. I was thinking that's a handy little device but there's no way I'm paying $20+ for some little piece of plastic that costs 50 cents for them to make. I'd been thinking hmm what could I make one of those out of, thank you so much for this idea!
I used the "frosted" shrinky plastic because I've had it sitting around here for years....however, mine curled up really bad and there was nothing I could do to save it. I will try another one. Awesome project!!
Shrinky dinks can be ordered online, or can be found at Michael's Craft Stores if you live near one.
The push-up effect is obtained by the holder drawing your bra straps together which pulls them up in front. It does, in effect, give you a little extra lift.
oh i saw this on craftster too,
and i read that this thingies are "supossed" to make a push up effect, but i don't think so (at least not a significative push up effect)
That's the greatest thing I've seen in a long time! My only problem is that I can't find any shrink plastic or shrinky dinks any where! Do you know where I could get some?
I know you wrote their more stiff,but do you think it's gonna break?Hmmm...
OMG, it's almost $30 on the site lol
but it seems as if you guys are talking about some kind of push up bra ^^
I love that commercial!
If the "lift" is really as significant as they make it seem the plastic surgeons of the world may be in trouble.
thankyou :]
The push-up effect is obtained by the holder drawing your bra straps together which pulls them up in front. It does, in effect, give you a little extra lift.
and i read that this thingies are "supossed" to make a push up effect, but i don't think so (at least not a significative push up effect)
Very handy