Boy + Girl Tube Top

tube top , Summer time , fun, easy, and sexy ;D

Posted by xXSaint.Aida7Xx


I made this from an old long sleeved shirt I had so I was about to throw it away then thought to myself the things I could do with it so I cut it up from the pit area and stitched on a design that I drew on another colored tube (Boy+Girl=Heart) then I poked a hole in the middle top back and cut out a long strip from the long sleeved shirt scraps I stuck the strip through the whole and brought it around to my chest then tied it over the tube top to keep it more secure from falling and also giving it a decoration thing hehe xD if you have any questions feel free to message me :).


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Needle And Thread Or Sewing Machine
  • 1 Pair Of Scissors
  • 1 1 Old T Shirt
  • Scrap Material Eg: Old Pants Or Shirts