• Posted by Laurence King
This variation of the booklet fold family is one that we’ve designed to be particularly three-dimensional, adding pop-ups and a star form. A dramatic effect is created from the simple repetition of the same pop-up six times. The interior space at the center of this structure is as compelling as the pop-ups that fold outward. The use of color, collage and drawings can only intensify the resulting effect. Using paper with a translucent quality allows lights to filter into the center and adds another dimension. The pop-up we describe below is simplified for clarity’s sake. We recommend experimenting with pop-up techniques, as even the simplest pop-ups are tricky to achieve without some trial and error first. Fold a scrap of paper in half, cut several pieces to the height and width of one section, and draw a vertical center line. It is important not to extend beyond the center line of the page or they will, when collapsed, extend beyond the confines of the page. FINISHED DIMENSIONS: Variable
This variation of the booklet fold family is one that we’ve designed to be particularly three-dimensional, adding pop-ups and a star form. A dramatic effect is created from the simple repetition of the same pop-up six times. The interior space at the center of this structure is as compelling as the pop-ups that fold outward. The use of color, collage and drawings can only intensify the resulting effect. Using paper with a translucent quality allows lights to filter into the center and adds another dimension. The pop-up we describe below is simplified for clarity’s sake. We recommend experimenting with pop-up techniques, as even the simplest pop-ups are tricky to achieve without some trial and error first. Fold a scrap of paper in half, cut several pieces to the height and width of one section, and draw a vertical center line. It is important not to extend beyond the center line of the page or they will, when collapsed, extend beyond the confines of the page. FINISHED DIMENSIONS: Variable
Fold a six-section accordion. With three mountain folds facing up, fold the sheet horizontally in half away from you.
Open the accordion up toward you.
Cut along the horizontal valley fold, leaving the first and sixth sections intact.
Lift, bringing the top half toward you, standing it up.
Gently push both ends toward the center until a star shape emerges. This is the basic shape of our form.
Unfold the star form and bring it back to the accordion in step 1.
Create a template for your pop-up. The template should be half the height of the accordion. It should also tell you what is a cut line and what is a fold line to avoid confusion.
With the three mountain folds facing left, trace your pop-up template in mirror image onto the upper and lover halves of the top section of the accordion.
If your paper is thin, cut through all layers at once. If it is thick, trace the template on all three layers in the same orientation.
Fold the pop-ups in both directions, creasing well.
Push the pop-ups in.
As in steps 4 and 5, return the piece to the star form, pulling the pop-ups into position. They should be popping outward. Experiment with a variety of shapes. For additional surprise effects, add color to either the inside or outside faces of the pop-ups.