Cut Out + Keep

Book Christmas Trees

I'm the sensitive bookish type... • Posted by Ruthy Girl

You can find tutorials galore (love that word!) by googling "book tree" so I won't go into detail here (not like I usually do!). Mine are packed away in the Christmas decorations box in the basement for the year, but to spiff them up for this coming Christmas I intend to add a little sprinkling of irridencent glitter. Good idea? I think so!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium dscf4715


You can find tutorials galore (love that word!) by googling "book tree" so I won't go into detail here (not like I usually do!). Mine are packed away in the Christmas decorations box in the basement for the year, but to spiff them up for this coming Christmas I intend to add a little sprinkling of irridencent glitter. Good idea? I think so!
