Cut Out + Keep

Boobirunumi The Boob Monster

My official mascot to spread Breast Cancer awareness. • Posted by Mamta Motiyani

This item was specially created for CreateCrochet Team Pink Challenge to spread Breast Cancer Awareness. After the challenge was declared, all I could think of was boobs, boobs and boobs ;) when I thought deeply about what to make. He's one of the 10 winners of the challenge: Why boob monster? Because my mind thinks of cancer as a monster. Do I need to explain why boob? It's self explanatory. It has a nipple nose, pink body, horns, devil ears and a long devil tail with an arrow at the end. Even though the disease is suffering and this doll looks cheeky, I think this crochet amigurumi represents just what the disease is. Size: 12.75"

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


5 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium jpg 1291811856 Medium dd1 1291812777 Medium bb2 1291812862 Medium cc 1291812921 Medium cc 1291813082


This item was specially created for CreateCrochet Team Pink Challenge to spread Breast Cancer Awareness. After the challenge was declared, all I could think of was boobs, boobs and boobs ;) when I thought deeply about what to make. He's one of the 10 winners of the challenge: Why boob monster? Because my mind thinks of cancer as a monster. Do I need to explain why boob? It's self explanatory. It has a nipple nose, pink body, horns, devil ears and a long devil tail with an arrow at the end. Even though the disease is suffering and this doll looks cheeky, I think this crochet amigurumi represents just what the disease is. Size: 12.75"
