• Posted by Mamta Motiyani
This item was specially created for CreateCrochet Team Pink Challenge to spread Breast Cancer Awareness. After the challenge was declared, all I could think of was boobs, boobs and boobs ;) when I thought deeply about what to make. He's one of the 10 winners of the challenge: Why boob monster? Because my mind thinks of cancer as a monster. Do I need to explain why boob? It's self explanatory. It has a nipple nose, pink body, horns, devil ears and a long devil tail with an arrow at the end. Even though the disease is suffering and this doll looks cheeky, I think this crochet amigurumi represents just what the disease is. Size: 12.75"
This item was specially created for CreateCrochet Team Pink Challenge to spread Breast Cancer Awareness. After the challenge was declared, all I could think of was boobs, boobs and boobs ;) when I thought deeply about what to make. He's one of the 10 winners of the challenge: Why boob monster? Because my mind thinks of cancer as a monster. Do I need to explain why boob? It's self explanatory. It has a nipple nose, pink body, horns, devil ears and a long devil tail with an arrow at the end. Even though the disease is suffering and this doll looks cheeky, I think this crochet amigurumi represents just what the disease is. Size: 12.75"