Body Form

body form from duck tape and paper

Posted by little miss blackbird


for this project i used an old threadbanger episode:
you should totally check this out.
and then just start making!


You Will Need (5 things)

  • Duck Tape
  • Wallpaper Paste
  • A Stand
  • Garbage Bag
  • Newspapers

Steps (8 steps, 240 minutes)

  1. 1

    put on a garbage bag

  2. 2

    ask a friend to apply duck tape to your body.
    try to have 3 of 4 layers

  3. 3

    cut it open, CAREFULLY!

  4. 4

    put duck tape on the cut

  5. 5

    cut strips from the newspapers and start glueing in on your body form. be careful to keep the shape.

  6. 6

    let it dry...

  7. 7

    start stuffing it with more newspaper. when your halfway put in on your stand and continue stuffing it
    than use some more duck tape to close the bottom and the arm holes.

  8. 8

    this is optional but you can paint it to look a little bit more finished

    and voila!