Cut Out + Keep

Bmth Sempiternal Flower Of Life Necklace Pendant

And oh, it glows in the dark too. Awesomeness level: too much to handle. • Posted by Tilda

For all of my fellow Bring Me The Horizon fans. c:

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 106038 2f2014 12 05 113324 img 1179


For all of my fellow Bring Me The Horizon fans. c:


  1. For this project you will need a Flower of Life pendant to get the pattern, but one can ofc draw it oneself with a toothpick or whatever. The pendant i have is from etsy, i think it's this one:

  2. Flatten your glow in the dark clay (or whatever color you want to use) and gently press down your Flower of Life pendant into it (I must say i hesitated for so long to do this, but don't worry, your precious pendant will be just fine and you will soon get even more pendants!!). Cut of the clay around the pendant and remove it.

  3. Repeat until you have your desired amount of FoL-pendants (they make perfect gifts for all your BMTH-crazy friends so seriously make a bunch) and then bake them following the instructions on your packet of clay.

  4. Glue on that thing you have on the back so you can put them on a chain (wow such good instructions, please someone tell me what that thing is called). Now its time to go hide in a dark place and admire your glowing necklace. Well done! :3