Cut Out + Keep

Bluejay: Avi Art

Comic book Cover styled art for a friend • Posted by Keladrey

It's a wee bit awkward, but meh. Here is my one and only peice of avi art (usually I just draw my own characters and friends, Avatar sites get on my nerves), I'm rather proud of it. :) in case you couldn't tell, the character's name is Bluebird.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium bluejay 1314992716


It's a wee bit awkward, but meh. Here is my one and only peice of avi art (usually I just draw my own characters and friends, Avatar sites get on my nerves), I'm rather proud of it. :) in case you couldn't tell, the character's name is Bluebird.
