Cut Out + Keep

Blueberry And Gin Jellies

A Change of Appetite • Posted by Octopus Publishing

Okay, it is boozy (sugar), but this is a ‘treat’ dish. You will probably think there’s a lot of gelatine in the jelly, but alcohol inhibits the setting properties so you need more. The Angostura bitters isn’t absolutely necessary but it makes the jelly a lovely pale pink colour and foxes diners… they can never guess the secret ingredient.

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1 h 00


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Medium 103951 2f2014 08 21 152836 screen%2bshot%2b2014 08 21%2bat%2b16.27.05


Okay, it is boozy (sugar), but this is a ‘treat’ dish. You will probably think there’s a lot of gelatine in the jelly, but alcohol inhibits the setting properties so you need more. The Angostura bitters isn’t absolutely necessary but it makes the jelly a lovely pale pink colour and foxes diners… they can never guess the secret ingredient.


  1. Put the tonic water, gin, lemon zest and juice and sugar in a saucepan with 150ml (5fl oz) of water and bring to just below the boil, stirring occasionally to help the sugar dissolve.

  2. Reduce the heat to very low and simmer for about five minutes.
Put the gelatine into a dish and cover with cold water. Leave to soak for about three minutes; it will soften but won’t disintegrate.

  3. Strain the boozy mixture into a clear jug and add the Angostura bitters; you should end up with a nice pale pink colour. Taste; you should get a little of the Angostura but it shouldn’t overwhelm. Remove the softened gelatine, shaking off any excess liquid, and add it to the warm liquid, stirring to help it dissolve. (The liquid needs to be warm to help the gelatine melt, but you shouldn’t put gelatine into boiling or very hot liquid.)

  4. Divide one-third of the liquid between eight glasses and add 
one-third of the blueberries. Leave to cool. Refrigerate the jellies 
to allow them to set and reserve the rest of the jelly mixture.