Blue Pearl Wire

pendant with blue/white or purple pearls and wire!

Posted by LadyLordessa


It's easy to make...

Hope you like it and understand it ^^
i know my english is not very well! ;(

The main project image is made with blue pearls

The secound image is made
with white Pearls

The third image is made with
purple pearls


You Will Need (4 things)

  • 1 Wire
  • Wire Cutters
  • Glass Pearl Beads
  • 1 Necklace

Steps (8 steps, 10 minutes)

  1. 1

    clamp the wire into the top of the wire cutter

  2. 2

    winding the wire around the wire cuter top

    *!* Please attend, that the end of the wire is not to attached in the top of the wire cuter, because you won't get out the wire of the wire cutter *!*

  3. 3

    by then it have to look like this!

    Now take of the wire of the wire cutter, when you have problem with that use for help a secound wire cutter or so ^^

  4. 4 it have to look

  5. 5

    wind the end or make a hanger

  6. 6

    than swirle the wire a bit,
    how you like, but have a look that the pearls can't fall out!

  7. 7

    fill in the pearls!

  8. 8

    okay, when you dont like how it looks swirl it ab bit more or apart the wire a bit ^^

    Then on the top, swirl the wire, that the pearls can't fall out!

    Hope you understand what I mean, or the pictures show you!...
    tell me what you thing and show me your version!

    I will be grateful when you correct me :D