• Posted by Country Mouse
This project started life as a pair of my shorts and went to my daughter and is now a purse. My girl said she needed a new purse and with this pair of shorts, some pink polka dot fabric from my stash and some iron-on butterflies from e-bay a bag was born. I won't post a tutorial as there are already some great ones on the site but hope you enjoy looking at the pics as much as my girl loves using it.It took about 14 hours as I hand sewed the edges of the iron on butterflies and also handsewed the lining into the bag. Would probably be faster if someone used a machine for the whole thing.
This project started life as a pair of my shorts and went to my daughter and is now a purse. My girl said she needed a new purse and with this pair of shorts, some pink polka dot fabric from my stash and some iron-on butterflies from e-bay a bag was born. I won't post a tutorial as there are already some great ones on the site but hope you enjoy looking at the pics as much as my girl loves using it.It took about 14 hours as I hand sewed the edges of the iron on butterflies and also handsewed the lining into the bag. Would probably be faster if someone used a machine for the whole thing.