Cut Out + Keep

Blue And Green Dinosaur

Scarily cute sugarpaste dinosaurs the kids will love to make • Posted by Ann P.

You can adapt the colour, shape and size of the dinosaur to suit your baking project or the enthusiasm of the creators!

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Project Budget


0 h 20


Nice & Simple
Medium 115951 2f2017 02 27 151926  dsc5924024


You can adapt the colour, shape and size of the dinosaur to suit your baking project or the enthusiasm of the creators!


  1. Small 115951 2f2017 02 27 152118  dsc5915016

    Mix turquoise blue sugarpaste with an equal quantity of flower/modelling paste or a little Tylo powder. Roll to a thickness of 2-3mm (1/10”). Cut 7-8 little triangles 2cm (1/5”) high. Allow them to dry until they are hard

  2. Small 115951 2f2017 02 27 152401  dsc5916017

    Use lime green décor-ice sugarpaste to make: Body, head and tail are all 1 ball size A + C lime green sugarpaste mixed together. And 4 feet, each is size E.

  3. Small 115951 2f2017 02 27 152547  dsc5917018

    Shape the large ball into a long body shape. Make sure the neck section is at least 5cm (2” long)

  4. Small 115951 2f2017 02 27 152620  dsc5919019

    Push up the neck firmly from underneath the body, rest it back on the body and bend the head forward.

  5. Small 115951 2f2017 02 27 152635  dsc5920020

    Mark and open mouth with the edge of a palette knife. Mark eyes with black paste colour on a cocktail stick. Mark toes with a clean cocktail stick and make nostrils with the end of a piece of raw spaghetti.

  6. Small 115951 2f2017 02 27 152808  dsc5921021

    While the body is still soft, press the Millions sweets, firmly into the dinosaur.

  7. Small 115951 2f2017 02 27 152826  dsc5922022

    When your triangles are set, push them in all the way along the back of the dinosaur. You need to do this while the icing body is still soft.

  8. Small 115951 2f2017 02 27 152853  dsc5923023

    Using the rounded end of a PME No.9 tool (or a clean paint brush), make little indentations all over the body in between the Millions.