Cut Out + Keep

Blooper :D (Mario Bros)

Isn't it cute? :) • Posted by Alezita G.

I based my project in this pictures..;u=103559;sa=showTopics Even though it's not the same, I love the outcome! Hope you like it :)

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


30 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium blooper


I based my project in this pictures..;u=103559;sa=showTopics Even though it's not the same, I love the outcome! Hope you like it :)


  1. Small blooper pattron 2

    Print out the pattern on a letter-size piece of paper and cut out the piece of the pattern. Cut out 2 shapes (white felt) of the pattern pinning them together (felt and pattern).

  2. Small blooper pattrons

    Do exactly the same here. Cut out 2 pieces (white felt) of the one that is at the top, and 1 piece of each of the pattern pieces remaining (black & white felt).

  3. Place the body pieces together and sew them down, leaving a gap for turning and stuffing. Then, stuff the body. Close the stuffing gap. Pin the black eye centres onto the white eye pieces and stitch/glue them. Stitch,glue the eyes onto the rectangular piece.