Bloody Lantern


Posted by Jackkie


I made this for halloween. I put one of those tea candle things in it. It looked really cool when all the lights were out and I planned to answer the door creepily with it but no one came to our house (prolly because last year no one bought lollies so my dad gave out apples, now we must be blacklisted)...

I then used it to store chocolates (halloween eyeball wrapped chocolates) but I used this really old oil base paint that my dad has had in the garage for centuries, so it made the chocolates smell weird and taste a bit funky. I suggest you paint the outside, rather than the inside, if you want to stop this.

Sorry that there are no pics of it in action but I forgot.


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Paint
  • Red Paint
  • Paint Brush
  • Candle