Bling Your I Pod Or Cell Phone

Super slick bling for your tunes!

Posted by Mrs. Leeson



You Will Need (4 things)

  • 1 iPod (or phone, whatever you please really)
  • 100 Stone (s)(depending on the size and surface area you wish to cover. Always best to have extras)
  • Tweezers
  • Bead Fix Glue (or something thats super strong but NOT RUNNY, you could ruin a great peice if you use a glue that will run everywhere)

Steps (4 steps, 3600 minutes)

  1. 1

    Any MP3 player will work really. Mines not an iPod but its where i got the idea. If you concerned about messing up your expensive junk... you and always do the same steps on a hard protective case for your player or phone. Frankly though i thinks its worth it. Everyone's going to be asking you where you got it!!

  2. 2

    First things first! work in a well lit area for the sake of your own sanity. Your going to be here for a while so get comfy and don't strain yourself. Good rule K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid)
    You can either start randomly applying stones if your working with one colour, but if you want a design, you should plot it out on graph paper first.
    For this Greek Key design i plotted out first how many stones make a row across the phone with a dry run, then took to the paper to create the intricate design of the Key. The pattern is actual simple and repeats itself so counting the rows as i began affixing stones was the easiest method.

  3. 3

    I used a type of gem cement so i had to apply glue to the back of the stone as well as the surface. Holding the stone with tweezers and applying glue was the easiest way i found. Being prepared with glue and stones is key, because you don't want the glue to dry before you can affix the stones.

  4. 4

    before you know it your done! let it dry overnight and your rockin!... literally