• Posted by Ryland Peters & Small
Combine beads and bands to make this “flower power” bracelet and ring set! SKILL LEVEL **
Combine beads and bands to make this “flower power” bracelet and ring set! SKILL LEVEL **
LOOM SET-UP Set up your loom in the diagonal format—3 pegs wide x 13 pegs long. SKILL LEVEL **
Making the ring With the pointed end of the loom facing you, lay a purple band between the first and second center pegs and another between the fourth and fifth pegs.
Lay out the remaining purple bands in a hexagonal shape, being sure to work in the order shown— otherwise the pattern won’t work when you start to loop.
Thread one pink glitter bead onto each yellow band (you will have one yellow band left over) and loop the bands from the center of the hexagon outward in the order shown. Twist the remaining yellow band four times around the central peg of the hexagon to make a cap band.
Turn the loom around so that the inverted end is facing you. Starting in the center peg of the hexagon, insert your hook into the top yellow band underneath the cap band and hook it over its opposing peg. Work around the hexagon in the order shown.
Now work around the edge of the hexagon, hooking the purple bands over their opposing pegs in the order shown.
Insert a C-clip into the bottom two loops, put your hook into the top two loops, then gently pull your ring from the loom.
Thread another purple band through the loops on the hook, then thread one end of this band through the other to secure. Hook this onto the C-clip to complete your ring.
Making the bracelet Skill level: ** LOOM SET-UP Set up your loom in the diagonal format—3 pegs wide x 13 pegs long.
With the pointed end of the loom facing you, lay out the bands and beads as in steps 1 through 3 of the ring in the order shown; the zig-zag row of bands makes the wrist strap.
Turn the loom around so that the inverted end is facing you. Loop the bands over their opposing pegs in the order shown. Add a C-clip to the bottom two loops.
Insert your hook into the loops on the top peg and gently pull the bracelet off the loom, leaving it on the hook. Attach the loops on the hook to the C-clip at the other end of the bracelet to complete.