Cut Out + Keep

Bleached Post Apocalyptic Death In June Jacket

She said destroy in black New York. • Posted by ErsatzEpiphany

I guess I'm just on a jacket-making kick lately. Lots of random bleach here, some lace, and the logo patch is from an old t-shirt that I stitched on to the jacket. I used some liquid latex to put on some patches that I made (like the gear and the sigils) and added seed beads for texture. For the finishing touch, I added a little brass padlock on the left breast pocket.

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 375428 2673389601790 1467661298 3042652 1835626269 n 1324888357 Medium 382881 2673389841796 1467661298 3042653 141373967 n 1324888410 Medium 375905 2673390121803 1467661298 3042654 2085854608 n 1324888417


I guess I'm just on a jacket-making kick lately. Lots of random bleach here, some lace, and the logo patch is from an old t-shirt that I stitched on to the jacket. I used some liquid latex to put on some patches that I made (like the gear and the sigils) and added seed beads for texture. For the finishing touch, I added a little brass padlock on the left breast pocket.
