Cut Out + Keep

Blackberry Phone Pouch

A easy way to protect your phone! • Posted by Nina

I'm sorry for my crappy English! :')

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium img00033 20101108 1804 1293646644


I'm sorry for my crappy English! :')


  1. Small img00022 20101108 1620 1293644674

    Start with making a pattern of your phone, i just outlined my phone with a pencil.

  2. Small img00024 20101108 1624 1293644740

    Attach the pattern yo your fabric, and cut it out twice.

  3. Small img00026 20101108 1644 1293644783

    If you want to make your pouch even look better than you can sew something on it, I chose a peace sign. :)

  4. Small img00031 20101108 1741 1293644876

    Measure the width of your phone, and cut a long strip. Mine was approximately 2 cm.

  5. Small img00032 20101108 1804 1293645927

    I used this stitch, I have no idea how it's called in English. I hope you can see it in the picture. :)

  6. Small img00033 20101108 1804 1293645987

    Sew the parts togheter and cut of the rest of the fabric. And your finished! :D