Blackberry Phone Pouch

A easy way to protect your phone!

Posted by Nina


I'm sorry for my crappy English! :')


You Will Need (1 thing)

  • Felt

Steps (6 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    Start with making a pattern of your phone, i just outlined my phone with a pencil.

  2. 2

    Attach the pattern yo your fabric, and cut it out twice.

  3. 3

    If you want to make your pouch even look better than you can sew something on it, I chose a peace sign. :)

  4. 4

    Measure the width of your phone, and cut a long strip. Mine was approximately 2 cm.

  5. 5

    I used this stitch, I have no idea how it's called in English. I hope you can see it in the picture. :)

  6. 6

    Sew the parts togheter and cut of the rest of the fabric.
    And your finished! :D