Cut Out + Keep

Black Jersey Skater Skirt

Don't buy one, make one! • Posted by Sarah P.

I've seen all of these sort of skirts in the shop recently, but for £9.99 I thought why not make one for cheaper? So I did :) The black jersey only cost me £2 off ebay and it looks just as good as a skirt costing 5x that!

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dscn2882 Medium dscn2886


I've seen all of these sort of skirts in the shop recently, but for £9.99 I thought why not make one for cheaper? So I did :) The black jersey only cost me £2 off ebay and it looks just as good as a skirt costing 5x that!


  1. Small sarah circle skirt

    Fold your piece of fabric in half and in half again. From one corner, measure out the radius = your waist in inches / 6.28 and cut this piece out as shown in the picture. Then measure out your desired length plus about 2 inches for the hem and cut.

  2. Small black skirt circle

    You will now have something that looks similar to this. Then cut the fabric as shown in the picture from the outside into the middle.

  3. Small sarah skirt 1

    Cut out your waistband. It needs to be you waist measurement plus 3 inches by preferred width x2. The sew on the waistband on one long edge as shown in image. Then fold waistband down (in half) and iron. You can either hand sew or machine stitch this down on the inside.

  4. Small sarah skirt 2

    Machine stitch as normal the seam marked in red. Then use a longer stitch length, to stitch 20cm up to the top of waistband (shown in blue)

  5. Small sarah skirt 3

    Place the zip on the seam allowance from the seam you have just done. Pin and machine stitch down. Then turn right way round and unpick the longer length stitches to reveal the zip.

  6. Small sarah skirt 4

    The fold the bottom of the skirt up and either hand stitch or machine stitch down. Finished!