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Black And Pink Easy 2 Needle Fingerless Mitts

Easily made on two needles! • Posted by nora c.

These mitts are easily made using two needles... The pattern and method is very simple, and are easily made in a few hours...make them tonight, wear then tomorrow! I made the pattern myself, but it's so simple anyone could have made it, it may have been done before, so please don't criticise me for that!!!!

You will need

Project Budget


3 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dscf8062 1315847957


These mitts are easily made using two needles... The pattern and method is very simple, and are easily made in a few hours...make them tonight, wear then tomorrow! I made the pattern myself, but it's so simple anyone could have made it, it may have been done before, so please don't criticise me for that!!!!


  1. Using black yarn: Cast on 40 stitches Knit 20 rows rib, K2,P2 knit 30 rows stocking stitch(One row knit, one row purl) Change to pink fluffy yarn: knit 6 rows garter stitch and cast off

  2. Sew up rib plus one inch of stocking stitch at the bottom to make cuff. leave one inch open for thumb hole. Sew up the rest of the stocking stitch and the fluffy bit at the top Decorate back of mitt with bows or any other embellishments you like.