• Posted by Saar O.
With the Winter coming, it's always good to provide the birds with some extra food. And yes, you could just go to a store and buy some pre-made fatballs, but why not make your own? And why leave it at that, the birds deserve a treat once in a while, let's make them some cupcakes!
With the Winter coming, it's always good to provide the birds with some extra food. And yes, you could just go to a store and buy some pre-made fatballs, but why not make your own? And why leave it at that, the birds deserve a treat once in a while, let's make them some cupcakes!
First of all we need a lot of cupcake papers, I used these cute small ones (about 5cm or 2inch in width), but the regular sized ones are fine too.
Then we need bird seeds! I got this 1 kilo bag (2,2 lbs) for about 2 euro's. For about 15 normal sized cupcakes you'll only seed 1/5th of the bag though.
Then you need the deep-drying grease. So not the oil!! The stuff that get's solid like butter when it's not heated. I got this 500gram piece. For the 200 grams of bird seed, about 100 grams of this should be enough for the cupcakes, but I melted all and used all of the seeds (and used what was left after filling the cupcakes to fill a pot that's also feeding the birds now)
While it's melting, slowly add the birdseeds and stir. Make sure the grease doesn't get too hot! It should just about melt, and it definitely shouldn't boil!!
Once the mixture is ready, start filling the cups up with a spoon. (my kid helped, don't worry, the stuff isn't very hot if you followed my no-boiling rules!)
It topped them of with a peanut! (my other kid helped)
leave them to cool down for a while. When the grease has gotten completely solid again, and the cupcakes feel cold, it should all stick together.
Leave them outside in your garden or on your balcony. Preferably in a cat-safe place. Gently pulling a piece of string or ribbon through with a needle makes them easy to hang up.. And extra cute!