Cut Out + Keep

Bird Windchime

These birds fly in the wind • Posted by Beverly

I made this for my Mom's Birthday, since I was short on cash I made her this bird windshime. I cut out birds with different pattern paper and also cut out for the birds wings with construction paper. When the birds dried from the glue I made holes so the string could go through. When all four on the birds were ready to hang, I made the top of the windshime holder out of cardboard and painted it pink!!! I made holes through the circular cardboard and made the birds hang. It was a easy project, and my mom loved it =]

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 40


Nice & Simple
Medium dscf2799 1283742851 Medium dscf2800 1283742902 Medium dscf2801 1283742944 Medium dscf2809 1283743041 Medium dscf2962 1284156555


I made this for my Mom's Birthday, since I was short on cash I made her this bird windshime. I cut out birds with different pattern paper and also cut out for the birds wings with construction paper. When the birds dried from the glue I made holes so the string could go through. When all four on the birds were ready to hang, I made the top of the windshime holder out of cardboard and painted it pink!!! I made holes through the circular cardboard and made the birds hang. It was a easy project, and my mom loved it =]
