Bird Pencil Holder

I love desk supplies in bright colors, and I love birds.

Posted by Mod Podge Amy


I love desk supplies in bright colors, and I love birds. The two come together in one project and I am a happy camper. As we move into the gift season, I encourage you to create something personalized for a family member or friend. It doesn’t always have to be personalized with a name either - sometimes it can be favorite colors or shapes. I’ll first show you how to make the pencil holder, and then in my next entry will do a coordinating tray. You’ll want to make one for everyone you know. At least everyone with a desk.


You Will Need (10 things)

  • Wood Pencil Pot(s) Holder, shape of your choice
  • FolkArt Acrylic Paint , coordinating colors
  • Mod Podge Gloss, 8 oz.
  • Scrapbook Paper , 1 sheet - I used K&Co Carolyn Gavin’s Greenhouse papers
  • Button(s) - 13 (12 for the cup and one for the eye on the front)
  • Sandpaper
  • Craft Glue
  • Flat Paint Brush
  • Scissors
  • Pencil(s) or Pen

Steps (4 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    Place the pencil holder face down on the BACK of the paper you are planning to use (so the shape comes out right). Cut out the shape and set aside.

  2. 2

    This is really, really easy - probably the easiest painting you’ll ever do! I painted the entire bird pencil holder pink and allowed to dry. Then I painted over the cup part of the holder with one coat of turquoise and allowed to dry. Follow these steps and then grab your sandpaper, sanding away at random portions until some of the pink paint shows through. This is the fastest distressing technique ever.

    Tip: you don’t need to paint the entire front of the pencil holder since you are covering it with paper - just make sure to get well around the edges or any part that’s showing!

  3. 3

    Now for the fun part - spread Mod Podge all over the front of the pencil holder. Spread a medium layer and get the edges well.

  4. 4

    Once you have the Mod Podge spread, lay your paper piece down and smooth with your fingers (or use a brayer like I did). Smooth, smooth, smooth until there are no bubbles left. Allow to dry for 15 - 20 minutes.

    After drying, coat the entire pencil holder with at least two coats of Mod Podge. Allow to dry and then add embellishments. I added buttons with craft glue. This took me less than two hours to make, including painting and dry time.

    Come back soon to see my coordinating tray!