Cut Out + Keep

Biohazard Halter Top

A halter made from an old shirt with a design that glows in the dark!

Posted by FallenBeyond


I made this from yet another shirt I never wear.

My friend gave me a zombie slayer themed survivalist knife for my birthday and I decided to make a top to go with it!

Like I said, I took a shirt I never wear and turned it into this halter that ties behind my neck.

My neighbor had showed me how to paint designs on to shirts before she moved. You take a stencil and transfer it onto the freeze paper on that side that IS NOT the shiny side. Then cut it out and iron the paper onto the shirt SHINY SIDE DOWN so that it is in contact with the fabric. Then you paint in the stencil, left it dry, and peel away the freezer paper.

  • Iron
  • Paint Brush
  • Freezer Paper
  • Stencil
  • Sewing Machine
  • Shirt
  • Glow In The Dark Fabric Paint