Berry Banana Coconut Popsicles.

Frozen treat, vegan, popsicles, pops

Posted by robingrunner


The holiday weekend is upon us and that means one thing – SUMMER is here! Now regrettably, our weather in PA will not be reflective of this season change but it’s all good. I know, as I sit here typing with the a/c on, the heat will arrive again and sweating will commence. I’m not a fan of grocery store frozen treats. I like to know what I’m eating and be able to readily pronounce all of the ingredients in my food. Let’s face it, you’ve been given one body – treat it right! This is my first batch for the unofficial start of summer and I’m so excited to dig in (as well as for my kids and husband). You can totally customize these and use what fresh fruit you have on hand. Just follow the amounts and you should be good to go! Sadly, you need patience until they freeze – the only downside! Totally vegan!

2 cups of fresh berries, bananas, fruit you have on hand
1/2 cup of coconut milk
1 tablespoon of raw honey, honey, agave or maple syrup


Blend everything in your Vitamix, food processor or blender. Pour into your molds and freeze for at least 6-8 hours. You can add sliced fruit to the sides of your molds if you wish. After frozen: To dislodge, run under warm water for a a few seconds. Serve and enjoy!


You Will Need (1 thing)

  • 4 Ingredients: 2 Cups Of Fresh Berries, Bananas, Fruit You Have On Hand 1/2 Cup Of Coconut Milk 1 Tablespoon Of Raw Honey , Honey, Agave Or Maple Syrup